Lunch Visitor Policies
SES is happy to welcome parents who come to eat lunch with their students. When visiting the school for lunch, please be mindful of the following guidelines.
- Parents must eat with their students in the commons and not in the cafeteria.
- All visitors must sign-in and wear their visitor's sticker at all times while in the school building.
- Parents should eat lunch with their student only. No other non-household students can each lunch with you. (ie. cousins, etc..)
- If someone other than the parent wants to eat lunch with a student without the parent present, the school will contact the parent to confirm permission for the individual to eat lunch with their student. If parent contact cannot be made the guest will need to reschedule their lunch visit. (i.e. Grandma, who is not the guardian, comes to eat lunch with Susan. Susan's parent must confirm permission with front office before attending lunch with student).
- Visitors are expected to remain in the commons area through the duration of your lunch visit.