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Bulldog Champions

SES Learner Profile

At Springfield Elementary we pride ourselves on being Bulldog Champions. This means that all students strive to be responsible, respectful, and ready for all challenges that come their way. It also means we strive to make a positive, safe, and loving environment for our staff and students.   

In order to achieve this goal, each classroom has its own behavior system in place to reward positive behaviors and redirect undesired behaviors. Also, each marking period we will celebrate our Bulldog Champions by holding special Champion Days! Students with ZERO office referrals every nine weeks will be able to attend a school-wide reward celebration.  Our CHAMPION DAYS for this upcoming school year will be:

Students who received an office referral will take part in re-teaching time. This will be an opportunity to talk about our Champion rules and expectations.  After each nine-week celebration, students will have an opportunity to start over and earn the opportunity to attend the following CHAMPION DAY.

Students who received an office referral will take part in re-teaching time. This will be an opportunity to talk about our Champion rules and expectations.  After each nine-week celebration, students will have an opportunity to start over and earn the opportunity to attend the following CHAMPION DAY.